Stux in the Cyberverse: Stuxnet, 2010
It’s 2010, and in an attempt to disrupt Iran’s nuclear program, Stuxnet was created and marked a pivotal moment in cyber warfare. It is known for its targeted approach to manipulating industrial control systems, specifically those used in uranium enrichment in Iran. With its origins attributed to joint efforts by the United States and Israel, Stuxnet's infiltration of critical infrastructure is raising ethical and geopolitical implications for international security. Delegates will represent different leaders and specialists of a variety of countries. How will they work together or against each other to combat this unprecedented, complex threat?
Chair | Loring Spencer
Loring Spencer is a third year from Charlottesville, VA majoring in Environmental Science. Outside of Model UN, she is on the UVA Ski & Snowboard team and Water Polo team. In the summer she lifeguards with Kill Devil Hills Ocean Rescue in the Outer Banks. This is her first time working behind the scenes of a Model UN conference so get hype (and concerned)!!!!
Crisis Director | Jonah Linker
Jonah Linker is a 1st year from Orange County, Virginia. Outside of Model UN, Jonah participates in French club, club sailing, and loves to bike in his free time! Over break, Jonah has interned at the Dutch embassy in Washington, D.C, specifically doing research and learning about cybersecurity and cyber crime. This is his first year working as a senior staffer in VICS, and he is excited to learn a lot about the process and meet new people!