Specialized Ad-Hoc Committee of the Director-General
The Specialized Ad Hoc is an advanced committee, meant for delegates with experience in both General Assembly and Crisis committees at the collegiate level. Delegates will come into the weekend without prior knowledge of the committee topic, and the format of committee may shift several times throughout the course of the weekend. Improvisation, diplomacy, and above all, creativity will be essential to success in this committee.
Chair - Calvin pan
Calvin Pan is a second-year Foreign Affairs major from McLean, VA, and is incredibly excited to serve as your Chair for the Specialized Ad-Hoc of the Directors-General! Calvin has taken part in MUN for 6 years now, and has competed in (too many) Crisis and Specialized committees at the collegiate level. Last year at VICS, Calvin was the Crisis Director for a double-delegate crisis last year on the unification of the United Arab Emirates. Calvin also serves as Treasurer of UVA’s International Relations Organization, which runs VICS. Outside of MUN, Calvin serves on the University Judiciary Committee, and is the keyboardist for rock band (Name Game – give them a follow on Instagram!) that may or may not be playing at a VICS social…
crisis director - annalise pereira
Annalise Pereira is a second-year from Williamsburg, Virginia, majoring in Foreign Affairs and Chinese. She is super excited to continue her involvement with VICS as chair of the Specialized Ad-Hoc. Annalise is also a part of UVA’s travel MUN team and Social Chair for International Relations Organization. She is also on Secretariat for UVA’s inter-generational MUN conference, VIGMUN. Outside of IRO, she is a member of Kappa Delta sorority and volunteers through VISAS! In her free time she enjoys reading, hanging out with friends and listening to music (Frank Ocean, the Strokes, Clairo.) She can’t wait to welcome everyone to grounds in March!